This page contains information for professionals from referring agencies. Please note that we do
not accept applications directly from individuals: all applications must be received as referrals via a recognised statutory or voluntary agency.
If you are an individual looking for help, please follow the link above "For individuals looking for support" to see a list of some of the agencies or organisations that might be able to make a referral.
How to apply:
- A copy of our current application form can be obtained using the link on this page. Additional information may be provided in a covering letter if needed. Any queries should be emailed to the address at the bottom of this page.
- Completed application forms should be returned (preferably by e-mail, or otherwise by post) to the address at the bottom of this page.
- Decisions on grants are made by the Trustees, who meet approximately every two months. Please follow the link on this page for a schedule of forthcoming meetings. We request that referrals to be considered at each meeting should be received by one week before the meeting date.
- We aim to notify applicants of decisions within seven working days.
Responsibilities of referring agencies:
- If a grant is agreed, the payment will normally be made to the referring agency. Payments are not made directly to beneficiaries.
- The referring agency will be responsible for ensuring the money reaches the beneficiary and is spent according to the terms of the application. The Trustees reserve the right to request evidence that the grant has been used according to the terms of the application.
- Any underspend of grant amounts should be notified back to the Trust for decision.
- If the beneficiary is not yet in a position to make use of the grant (e.g. in temporary accommodation awaiting re-housing) then a "pledge" of a grant may be made. This means that the Trust makes a promise to pay the granted amount when needed, but retains the money until the beneficiary is ready. Once we receive notification from the referring agency, then the pledged funds will be released. Pledges can normally held for up to six months, or longer by arrangement.
Guidance for applicants:
- The Trust will not normally fund floor coverings for new tenancies where the property is newly built or previous coverings have been removed by the landlord, unless there are medical or other additional factors involved.
- The Trust will not normally make grants to pay off debts, but the cost of obtaining a Debt Relief Order will be eligible for consideration.
- The Trust will not normally fund tuition fees.
- Any exceptions may be made at the Trustees' absolute discretion.